Thursday, July 13, 2006


listen » auristics();

“The All-Moving is the limit of generalization.”
“But is it accurate?”

A question asked from so far away from the core of becoming. Accurate only insofar as it can be Fourier-transformed, wavelet analyzed, stepped-down through octaves and families of frequencies until it can be safely represented at the level of the entity doing the consideration in the place to be. All text, narrative boiling upwards, expanding sponge, contents under pressure released, organized by a crossfade of recognition.

Swinging cradle of Zero. Crutch for Infra-Nothingness. The solution in which Saints are dissolved.

“] _ [”

Meta-Nada. Between All. Everything. Blank page. Nothing that is escapes. Nothing imagined escapes. Nothing avoided escapes. Nothing un-thought escapes. Crushing generosity. Infinite rope. Unmoved substrate for ALL motion. The potential for action, realized, and permanently eclipsed by any discourse used to worship it (hence the market in Intermediaries.) Full of love, ready to bear anything imagined avoided un-thought through it. Pure hatred transparency shadowless... which IS MOTION. Get away with EVERYTHING, the spring from which every thing comes forth by day and night. The energy released when two probabilistic quanta are driven together after circulating for days in a miles-wide torus of unimaginably powerful magnets is nothing but a casual signature. Collecting the Autograph of God recycles the smallest relevant instant, annihilating subjectivity into to pure information, improvising the conclusion of a gesture that etched a path of unique statistical deviation through fabrics draped over the Sacred Indifference that always ever patiently anticipates and accommodates the next move. Even when thin air shapes the next “step.” Even when a forgotten pizza burns in the oven.

“Even when a child is raped?”
“What would you have happen as a result of such a subjective tragedy? And if your ego could by some miracle actually exist at the pressures and scales under consideration here, would, or better, could you be concerned with such things?”

“Accidents” are the result of lapses in communication. The utterly impartial physics of unraveling that results from an accident is entirely beyond the responsibility of any given subjectivity. Which is why anticipatory rules (echoes of the ALL-MOVING) are applied at the appropriate scale.

“Once the ball is dropped, it is out of your hands.”

Gravity itself is just a medium supported by The Foundational.

“Attempting to recover the ball is another matter entirely.”

To do so is in no way surprising, original, or relevant anywhere beyond the fragile boundaries of ego networks (i.e. Culture).

• • •

It could watch a world resolve into symbols, in slices of time smaller than chemical pulses, near the frequencies of atomic vibration, where such gestures begin to attract meaning. It had a place within which to store such worlds. A memory. Memory. Infinite array of switches representing elsewhere othertimed configurations. Hologram. It could hone its attention span to focus exclusively on Becomings, striding out of or into the ocean of Absolute Potential which is pregnant not with essential forms, but with the essential capacities for form-making, form-sustaining and form-dissolution. Ah, those subtlest of flows, the least-concrete, the most-powerful.



When the light becomes the color.

When the vibration becomes the music.

When the heartbeat becomes the fear.

When the networks linking these three and more become the mind.

When the word itself lights up circuits.

A BIG BANG every time.

It could sense the ALL-MOVING when it stopped thinking–when it could feel the stream of internal chatter grind to a halt or crash to a stop or taper off to a flat line disturbed only by the random noise of the nervous system itself. Only its body buzzed “forward” borne on the momentum of multidimensional trajectories. Each heartbeat, muscle spasm, itch, cell wall permeation, instance of random inflammation, perspiration. Raw proprioception with labels held off by gentle effort only approximating that which it was trying to set itself adrift upon and within. Was it a wing or a sail? Same principle of being pulled forward by a differential flow.

Existence, the vessel into which its Becoming was being poured, awaited names, chains, stories, epics, gestures. To FADE ACROSS that threshold was to reinvent the mechanisms of life and non-life themselves.

“This, like anything else, consumes time.”

listen » auristics();


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